Thursday, July 24, 2008

Time for Pie!

I've always dreamed of being a domestic queen. As of today I am not yet Queen of all things Domestic. Sadly, as I creep further into my twenties, it's becoming clear that perhaps I never will be. Gasp!

In my teens I was always floored by my mom's ability to bake up a storm without ever taking out a measuring cup. I thought, and she assured me, that once I left the nest and had my own home and my own kitchen these things would just come to me. Looking at a bowl full of flour and knowing that it was filled with a cup and three-quarters of unsifted would be as inherent as my abundant beauty marks, flippy earlobes and embarassingly flat feet. . . . As the years slip by it's becoming clear that someone missed the boat when they passed out the "complete knowledge of measurements" gene. I've been living it up on my own for eight years now and my domestic goddess abilities still haven't kicked in! Pammy Kay is as me as the image in the mirror. I figured if I don't know how many apples it takes to bake a pie, Pammy wouldn't know either. It just wouldn't be fair!

I hope you enjoy this little sketch. I'm off to pack, queen of the kitchen, never. . . queen of travel, handmade sketchbooks and white sand beaches, always :)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Unicorn at 200 Fifth

I did this last night at '200 Fifth' it's one of those perfect fancy restaurants/sports bars that you find in New York. Scott got back from Switzerland so we went out to celebrate. In his honor, and also because I can't ever keep my hands still, I drew this fairy riding a unicorn while we were waiting for dinner. Luckily all the tables had crayons. I judge a restaurant by two things it's water service and it's ability to keep me happy while waiting for service. The unicorn happened first and then of course he needed a fairy riding his back. I didn't have any intention of packing it up and I was going to leave it. Sweetly enough the men in my life support me enough to fold up table paper for my blog :)

I didn't arrive in fairy princess unicorn mode. Birthday Frog happened when we first got to the restaurant and I was still ticked about my subway ride. Party mode and commuter mode are like oil and water with me the last couple of months. This summer my NYC tolerance has been at an all time low. It was a really happy evening and I was only peeved long enough to finish my angry little sketch.

This "elbow snail" was a collaborative work between me and Garrett Rose. It's his elbow and my brilliant crayoning. When I begun it was meant to be an alien but sometimes you have to let a piece of elbow art be what it wants to be. Obviously Garrett's elbow was meant to be a snail.

Anyway we had a blast and ended up at Haagan Daz for dessert. I had Baileys Ice cream, the way it was intended to be consumed, frozen and in mass quantities. If you've got some fun that needs to be had I totally recommend 200 Fifth. You might want to bring your own crayons though, there was a shocking lack of color variety. If you want to draw a bunch of Ninja Turtles you can leave your own crayons at home, they have every color you'll be needing for Leonardo and Michelangelo.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th!!!

Here are some rubber stamps I designed way back before Christmas. I'm not designing stamps anymore, but I still love peeking at all the genius things that people make with them.