I knocked these out today on the playground at Carroll Park.

Around 2:45 today I found myself watching a herd of five year olds as they were trained in the art of tricking and treating.

Sharing was not high on the list of things that interested this particular set. I overheard a particularly poofed princess say "Ohhhhhhhh the orange and the white triangles are called trick or treats!!" they were using candy corn to practice. It was all kinds of adorable.

Luke Skywalker's father said "I don't care what your mama said, Fruit snacks is healthy, they're made with real fruit." I wanted to cling to a dying battle station and yell "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" instead I tossed the kid a granola bar.

This last one was inspired by the ever prolific Katy Rich - Her girls don't take Halloween lightly.


Around 2:45 today I found myself watching a herd of five year olds as they were trained in the art of tricking and treating.

Sharing was not high on the list of things that interested this particular set. I overheard a particularly poofed princess say "Ohhhhhhhh the orange and the white triangles are called trick or treats!!" they were using candy corn to practice. It was all kinds of adorable.

Luke Skywalker's father said "I don't care what your mama said, Fruit snacks is healthy, they're made with real fruit." I wanted to cling to a dying battle station and yell "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" instead I tossed the kid a granola bar.

This last one was inspired by the ever prolific Katy Rich - Her girls don't take Halloween lightly.