Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Pammy Kay and Fire Island

Oh how do I love camping? Let me count the ways...

I trust that all you lovely blog stalkers had perfect long weekends. To celebrate labor I took off with a few friends and made a pilgrimage to an island of fire, specifically, Fire Island.
I was hoping to get more sketching done. Unfortunately I did not. I was too busy fighting off bugs and small children. Despite the aforementioned little issues, I had a great time. I read my book and lazed the day away, I played in the water and slept on the sand and I did a LOT of laughing. Everything about Fire Island took my breath away. I cannot believe how close it is and yet how far away it seems. Growing up in Hawaii has a lot of advantages but one of the disadvantages is that whenever I'm away from a large body of water for too very long I start to freak the hell out. Let's just say I needed to get away a bit.

I think I may need to find new friends by this time year.... I'm pretty sure Shilo and Sara "aren't never going to sleep on no @#!$% ground on no @#$!!(#**! island again." Poor dears didn't stand a chance. There's one time a year where I'm happy that my blood is so nutrition deficient and that's bug season at camp :)
The terrain was inspiring, the whole island has a boardwalk that stretches across it in a nice ambling sort of way. The sky seemed so big and the stars made the whole trip worth it just by themselves.
August 18th was my NY anniversary. It's been eight years since I trudged three thousand miles to start school at Pratt with nothing but a large duffel bag and a wild set of bangs. I never thought I'd fall so in love with the Atlantic, but have to say that I truly feel at home on its shore. I feel so lucky to be living this beautiful life surrounded by people I love while I nurse a thriving career in a city that still thrills me. It's enough to make a girl blush.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great sketch! I love the Atlantic too, but from the other end!x


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